Play & learn with EduEra

Choose your topic and sign up for one of our Monday quizzes.


12th of April | 6 PM

Why did the founder of the Evangelical Church work in the toilet? Was that the secret of his success? Get the answer to this question and much other craziness in history.

Harry Potter

19th of April | 6 PM

Do you know what the oppugno spell means or what language do the raras say? If you're a Harry Potter fan, join us and show what you know!


26th of April | 6 PM

Do you ever feel like a mad scientist? Are you crazy about chemistry or biology? Then you know how much a teaspoon-sized neutron star would weigh.

Personal development

3rd of May | 6 PM

Do you ever wish we had more than 24 hours per day? With us, you will learn more about burnout syndrome, time management and many other personal development topics.


12th of April | 6 PM

Prečo zakladateľ evanielickej cirkvy pracoval na záchode? Bolo to tajomstvo jeho úspechu? Získaj odpoveď na túto otázku a mnoho ďalších z oblasti histórie.

Harry Potter

19th of April | 6 PM

Do you know what the oppugno spell means or what language do the raras say? If you're a Harry Potter fan, join us and show what you know!


26th of April | 6 PM

Do you ever feel like a mad scientist? Are you crazy about chemistry or biology? Then you know how much a teaspoon-sized neutron star would weigh.

Personal development

3rd of May | 6 PM

Praješ si niekedy, aby mal deň viac ako 24 hodín? S nami sa dozvieš viac o syndróme vyhorenia, time managemente a mnohých iných témach.